Wait Actions pauses the Task for the specified amount of time. After the expiration of the delay, Task is automatically continued.
The delay can be useful in situations where a Task has to wait for some other system processes to complete.
Wait is a simple and effective tool for setting up delays in automated Tasks. Just specify the amount of time to expire before the Task continues with following Actions. The Wait feature is especially useful when the Task initiates a parallel process and needs to allocate time for its completion.
Wait for Time pauses a Task until the specified time on the same day or another day of the week.
Wait for Remote File temporarily suspends the workflow until a specific remote file exists, does not exist, is created, or is removed.
Wait for Remote Directory stops execution of the workflow until a remote directory is created, removed, is empty, or is not empty.
Wait for File pauses the Task until a specified file is created, deleted, becomes accessible or inaccessible.
Wait for Folder continues if the folder matches the specific state, otherwise pauses until the folder reaches the desired state.
Wait for Service pauses a Task until Windows service or driver has reached a specific status—installed, running, paused, stopped, or disabled.
Wait for App Action waits until an application or background process is running or is terminated.
I'm very happy with Automation Workshop. It increased my productivity by tenfold!—Charles J.